SnapHouse HK is a specialist in production of high-quality Hong Kong photographic material.

Terms & Conditions

This Terms of Service 「Terms and Conditions」 is a service provided by SnapHouse HK (the "Site") on this website (hereinafter referred to as "the Service" We will define the terms and conditions of. For the users「Referred to as "users"」, use this service in accordance with these terms. Also, please read "Terms of use of photos" about the terms of use for the products (photo materials) sold by this site and "Privacy Policy" for privacy policy.

In using this site

All the goods (photo material), illustrations, expositions, articles and writings provided by this website belong to this website and are protected by copyright law and other intellectual property laws. Without permission may not be reproduced without permission.

Article 1 Be applicable

"This Terms shall apply to all relationships relating to the use of this Service between you and this site. This Terms of Service is applicable not only to users who have registered members, but also to users who do not register as members.
We refer to products sold by this site as "goods" or "photographic materials" on this page, related pages."

Article 2 Membership registration

Registered applicants have to follow the application procedure to complete the register, and get the approval by our site, then the registration application will be completed.
This website will judge the registration of the member's application based on the following reasons, which may not be approved but there is no obligation to disclose the reason.

  1. 1In case of filing any false information upon application for use registration
  2. 2If it is an application from a person who has violated this agreement
  3. In addition, when judging that this site is not equivalent to use registration

Article 3 Management of the applicant name and the password

The user has responsibility to manage the user ID (email address) and the password.
In any case, the user cannot assign or lend the user ID and password to a third party.

Article 4 Charges and the payment method

When purchasing a product (photo material), the user will confirm the ordered material which displayed on the site, and settle the payment by specified method .
For more information on the payment methods, please refer to "Guide About Website".

Price of Product (photo material) is subject to change without notice. We will not refund to or request a difference from the user who has already purchased due to the price change of the product (photo material). We will not refund price differences to users already purchased due to the price decrease. Also we will not charge price differences to already purchased users due to price increase.

Article 5 Prohibited matter

In using our service, the user should not do the following actions.

  1. Acts that violate laws or public order and morals
  2. Acts related to criminal acts
  3. The act of destroying or obstructing the function of the server or network of this site
  4. Acts that may interfere with the operation of the services of this site
  5. The act of collecting or accumulating personal information etc. concerning other users
  6. Impersonate other users
  7. Acts of directly or indirectly providing benefits to antisocial forces in connection with the services of this site
  8. 8Other acts that our site deems inappropriate

Article 6 Suspension of provision of this service, etc.

If we judge that there is any of the following reasons, we can suspend or suspend the provision of all or part of this service without notifying the user in advance.

  1. When performing maintenance or inspection of the computer system related to this service
  2. When it is difficult to provide this service due to force majeure such as earthquake, lightning strike, fire, blackout or natural disaster
  3. When computer or communication line or the like stops due to accident
  4. In addition, when this site judges that it is difficult to provide this service
This website shall not be liable for any reason whatsoever for any disadvantage or damage suffered by the user or a third party due to suspension or interruption of the provision of this service.

Article 7 Usage restrictions and de-registration

In the following cases, this site may restrict the use of all or part of this service to the user, or may cancel the registration as a user without notice in advance.

  1. In the event of violating any provision of these Terms
  2. If it turns out that there is any false fact in the registration matter
  3. In addition, when this site judges that use of this service is not appropriate
This website is not responsible for any damage caused to the user by the action of this site under this section.

Article 8 Disclaimer

"The obligation default of this site is exempt if it is not based on willful or gross negligence of this site.
Even if we take responsibility for any reason, this site is within the range of damage normally occurred and for paid services within the range of the price of the target item (equivalent to one month in case of continuous service) We are responsible only for compensation.
We will not be responsible for any transactions, communications or disputes arising between you and other users or third parties regarding this service. "

Article 9 Change of service content etc.

The site shall be able to change the contents of this service or cancel the provision of this service without notifying the user and will not bear any responsibility for damage caused to the user by this.

Article 10 Change of terms of service

This site can change this agreement at any time without notifying the user when judging it necessary.

Article 11 Notification or contact

Notification or contact between the user and this site shall be made according to the method specified by this site.

Article 12 Prohibition of Transfer of Rights and Obligations

You may not transfer the rights or obligations under this Agreement or Clause to a third party without prior consent of the site in writing and cannot use that as collateral.

Article 13 Governing Law and Jurisdiction

In the event of a dispute with respect to this Service, the court having jurisdiction over the location of the head office of this site shall be subject to exclusive agreement jurisdiction.