SnapHouse HK is a specialist in production of high-quality Hong Kong photographic material.


This page will list the common questions and answers.

  1. Enquiry about the menu problem.
  2. Enquiry about the product (Photo materials)
  3. Enquiry about the payment
  4. Other enquiry

Enquiry about the menu problem.

Free account registration?
Free for account registration and the maintenance. We only receive the payment when the user purchases a product (photo material).
Can users change their member information?
It can be changed. After login, please make the changes into the "Account Information" option.
User registered the wrong e-mail address
Please login with the wrong e-mail address. Open the "Account Information" option in the account page, and fill in the correct e-mail address to make the change.
Please let us know about canceling the registered account.
Due to the sales and download of products, the purchased product could not be downloaded any more if the user account has been deleted, that's why we are not allowed to delete the user account. User is allowed to stop using our site services, but not allowed to delete the account. Since the registered e-mail address will not receive any of promotion e-mail, so user can use our services with no problems.

Enquiry about the product (Photo materials)

Detailed photographing location information
We are sorry that we will not respond to the information such as the location, the date, the time and the the photo taking route.
Can user request a photo shoot?
We accept this request through "Contact Us". However, please understand that we cannot accept your request due to the bad weather or unreasonable reason.
Can I save the photos into CD / DVD or other media, and delivered with the invoice to the specified address?
We are sorry that we did not accept requests for the information saved in media and delivery arrangement.
Can user buy the photo material (with copyrights)?
The user can, according to their favorite photos, buy the photo material (with copyright). However, please note that we will not make any restrictions or any contact with other users who have purchased the photo material before purchasing. For related information, please contact us at "Contact Us" page.
Are the photos for selling as the front page?
Yes, the user can buy the photos by the following instruction.
Can user check the image quality before purchases?
Of course, user can check the photo image at the product page, users can enlarge the product image by mouse, user also can using fingers touching to enlarge the product image size by smartphone or tablet (zooming with two fingers) In addition to download the preview image, please use the preview version service. please visit "About Preview Photos".
Is there any limits to the photos provided for free?
This is the same condition which used for the charged photo. However, please understand in advance, we do not support any problems by free photos.
If it is used for posters, postcards and other advertisements, publicity purposes, photo material is almost not edited or processed, will it caused to any problems?
The purchased photo material is used for advertisements, posters, postcards sales or resale for the purposes of promotion (advertising), there is no problem for free of charge which provided to customers. If you purchase the photo material used for posters, postcards for sale or resale purposes, according to the terms of use of this site is prohibited.

Enquiry about the payment

Can issue a receipt?
Yes, you will get the receipt via PayPal, user can be use the receipt if required.
Can I buy as a guest?
We do not accept the purchase of merchandise in your personal capacity (purchased without a member's registration), given the nature of the merchandise downloaded. To use this website to buy goods, please register "here" as a member before making a purchase.
Can I pay by credit card?
Yes, it is okay.
Can I pay by bank transfer?
Currently we do not support the payment by bank transfer. We only accept PayPal payment (including credit card payment).
Is there a standard charging system?
There is no fixed standard charging system at present.

Other enquiry

What if information i not clearly displayed on the page.
If the the page cannot be opened, please make sure JavaScript is enabled.
If it is not enabled, please start it, it can be confirmed by the browser as below.
・Internet Explorer 11
Can I use my smartphone or tablet to preview photos or shopping?
You may purchase products using by smartphones and tablets. But, we recommend the use of personal computer to preview the images of the products in order to obtain the best conditions to purchase the products smoothly.