SnapHouse HK is a specialist in production of high-quality Hong Kong photographic material.

Guide About Website

This page explains how to use SnapHouse HK.

About the products (photo material)

For the photos sold or provided on this website, if there is no special comment on the product page, all the locations are Hong Kong.
Photographs taken outside Hong Kong are marked with relevant information on the product page.

Member registration and fees

Members must complete the registration. Registration fee and annual fee are free.
By registering members, the material under consideration can be stored in the "List under Review" or "Compare List".
After member login, users can review the purchase processing, the purchase of goods, view browsing history, download the purchase of goods, account information correction etc.

To register for membership, please enter from the following page.
In addition, please read "Terms & Conditions" and "Guide About Photos" before subscription.

If you forgot your password after registering as a member, please reset the password from "here".

Search for products

Users can search for the products by the following methods.

Search by Genre
User can search by type, material etc.
Search by Area
You can specify the Hong Kong region for photo material search.
If you pre-set the search area, you can search more easily. Please note that the location is not same as the photo taken location (For example, photos taken from Central to Tsim Sha Tsui will be displayed while keyword searching for "Central".
Search by Recommendation
Users can select the favorite photo material from the recommended items on this website.
Popular Search Keywords
Users can search by photo material title, detailed description and related label keywords and words.
If the search is unsuccessfully, please searching again by approximate keywords and words.
Advanced Search
addition to the "keyword search" method, users can also search by the product number, product prices etc. for more product material search.

Payment method

There are two Payment Methods to pay in PayPal.
· Pay by credit card.
· Pay by PayPal account.

What is PayPal?
PayPal is an intermediary trading service platform between the dealer (this website) and the buyer (customer). It is now widely used around the world to create over 200 million accounts worldwide. Because PayPal is a currency trading platform, you can use it and no need to provide any credit card number or account number to this website. Therefore, it is no necessary to save any buyer's credit card information, and reduce the seller and the buyer on both sides of the credit card was stolen chance.

*For details, please refer to "PayPal's official website".

In addition, please refer to "Guide About Photos" before buying, please refer to Terms of Use, Terms of Use for Photo.

*About receipt
When PayPal receives payment from the user, the relevant receipt will email to the user's e-mail address. Customers can use this receipt if requested.

Product download

After log-in, users can download the product in their account. Users can download the product immediately after payment completion.
Please download and save your purchased items after purchase. Although this site tries to give Pavilion users can download at any time after the purchase, this site can only guarantee that purchased items can be downloaded within a week from the date of purchase after the download is available. But the site will not assume any responsibility a week later as a result of any problems caused by the download.

After log-in, users can download the products from the option of "downloadable products". The photos purchased by users can be processed, edited and reused within the scope of "Terms of use of photos". For more details, please refer to "Terms of use of photos."

Any enquiry

Please contact us from "Contact Us".
Before inquiring, please read "FAQ".