SnapHouse HK is a specialist in production of high-quality Hong Kong photographic material.

Privacy Policy

SnapHouse HK (referred to as "the Site"), is a privacy policy (referred to as "the Service") that provided by the site, regarding the privacy information and rules on this website (referred to as "Privacy Policy").

Article 1 Privacy information

  1. Regard to the privacy information, that means "personal information" which including the name, date of birth, address, telephone number, contact number and the other information which is identify as specific individual information.
  2. "History information and characteristic information" of privacy information means the "personal information" which excluding in the specified above, it means the service user used, the products you purchased, the history of the page or advertisement you saw, The user searched for the search keyword, date and time of use, method of use, usage environment, postal code and gender, occupation, age, user's IP address, cookie information, location information, terminal identification information etc.

Article 2 Collect the privacy information

  1. It will request for the personal information upon registering the account, e.g. the name, date of birth, address, phone number, e-mail address, etc. In addition, this site can get the personal information between the users and the partners. Including transaction and payment records of the information. (Including data providers, advertiser, advertising user, etc. referred to as "partners").
  2. Usage of this network portal service, purchasing merchandise, browsed web pages and advertisement history, search keyword, key date, date, method, environment ( including communication involving mobile devices, and device information used), IP address, cookie information, location information, personal identification information and records, history records of using the site and partner services, and user browsing history.

Article 3 Purpose of the collection on personal data

The purpose of collecting and using personal data on this site is as follows.

  1. to enable users to view or edit the personal registration information, check the status of use, name, address, contact information etc, and other registration information, services used and purchased goods, and display prices and other information.
  2. For the purpose of using e-mail to communicate with users, we will collect the information of the user's name and address.
  3. In order to confirm the user's identity, name, date of birth, address, telephone number and other information as the purpose of collecting information.
  4. In order to request the user for settling the payment, we will collect the information such as purchase item name and quantity, type and period of service used, information on payment, such as the charge amount, name, address etc.
  5. In order to make it easy for users data entry, the entered data will be displayed on the screen, and transferring it to another service for the purpose according to the user's instruction.
  6. In order to prevent users from violating the terms of services, such as intention to use our service for fraudulent or unfair purposes, causing damage to third party, we will collect the name, address, etc, for the purpose for searching the specific information.
  7. In response to the user's inquiry, such as billing information and the inquiry content, this site provides users with the necessary services and the information they need, and collect the user's service usage, and contact methods for the purpose.
  8. Auxiliary purpose of the above stated purposes

Article 4 Provide the Personal Information to third party

  1. We will not provide users information to third parties without agreement from users in advance, except for the following cases as permitted under the laws and ordinances.
    • (1) Based on laws and ordinances
    • (2) When it is necessary for the protection of human life, body or property, and it is difficult to obtain consent from the person himself / herself
    • (3) When it is particularly necessary for improving public health or promoting healthy development of children, and it is difficult to obtain consent of the person himself / herself
    • (4) In cases where it is necessary for a national agency or other public agency or a person entrusted with the agency to cooperate in carrying out the affairs prescribed by laws and regulations, by obtaining the consent of the the user
  2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the following cases shall not apply to third parties.
    • (1) When the site consigns all or part of the handling of personal information within the range necessary for achieving the purpose of use
    • (2) Personal information is provided as a result of business succession due to merger or other business reasons
    • (3) When personal information is to be used in cooperation with a specific person, that fact and items of personal information to be jointly used, the scope of persons to use in cooperation, When informing the person in advance about the purpose of use and the name or name of the person responsible for management of the personal information in advance or putting it in a situation that the user can easily know

Article 5 Personal information is made open to the user

  1. When a user requests this site to disclose their personal information, we will disclose it to him / her. However, we will depend on the situation to disclose or not disclose, part of infomration . of the following due to disclosure, it may not disclose all or part of it, and if you decide not to disclose it, we will notify you. In addition, when disclosing personal information, a fee may be charged.
    • (1) When there is a risk of harming the life, body, property or other rights and interests of the individual or a third party
    • (2) When there is a risk of seriously hindering the proper implementation of the work of this site
    • (3) In case of violating other laws and regulations
  2. Although the provisions of policy, in principle, we will not disclose personal information to other personal such as history information and characteristic information.

Article 6 Change and delete personal information

  1. If the user's personal information is incorrect, our site have the right to delete or change the personal information base on the policy.
  2. If the site receives the request for public information from the previous article and we will make corresponding response if necessary, we will correct or delete the user's personal information and inform the user.

Article 7 Suspension of user's personal information

Depends on the below reason, will caused the suspension or delete of user's personal information. (Referred to as "suspension of use etc.) We will perform the necessary investigation, base on the result, we will stop user to use personal information services, and inform it to users.
(1) Personal information, exceeding the purpose range
(2) Improper way to collect the personal information

Article 8 About the release of advertisement

This site uses the Google advertising service "Google Adsense". In order to match users' preferences, we display advertisements of products and services that users often use. We may use cookies as a reference to browse this website and other websites to obtain the advertisement of these advertisements. If you do not want to provide information to Google Adsense Advertising Services, please do not follow the instructions of "Google Adsense Site". Please set it not to provide relevant information.

For details, please read the "Google Adsense Official Privacy Policy".

Article 9 About browsing analysis tools

This site uses "Google Analytics" based on Google's browser analysis tools. "Google Analytics" uses cookies to collect communication traffic. This Communication traffic is collected in an anonymous way and does not have specified or specific information in collected information. About this function user can refuse to collect data by using the browser's cookie. Please confirm the setting of the browser.

To learn more about the information collected in Google Analytics, please read "Google Analytics".

Article 10 Privacy Policy Changes

  1. The content of this policy will be changed without notice to the user.
  2. Unless otherwise specified on this site, the revised privacy policy will take effect from the date of posting on this site.

Article 11 Enquiry windows

For inquiries about this policy, please contact us as below.
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